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Programs   Program Chair: Susan Bailey
Contact at:

PROGRAMS, Susan Bailey


The following presentations are scheduled for the remainder of this year. Suggestions for future programs are welcome; email me at the email above.

Susan Bailey, Vice President / Programs


September 9

Judy Hancock Holland

Title: Minimalist Photography

In any genre of photography, we aim to include in the frame only

those elements that contribute to the story or theme portrayed by

the image. Minimalist photography carries this to the extreme

, simplifying the frame dramatically and distilling the subject down

to its essence. Join us for this inspiring presentation by Judy Hancock

Holland, and learn to see and photograph your subjects

in ways you may never have considered.

Judy Hancock Holland’s photographic work has been exhibited in Canada, the US, and Europe.

She’s an award winning photographer and lifelong educator who loves to coach and mentor

others. While she is best known for her minimalist work, she enjoys a variety of other genres

including macro, abstracts and floral photography. Judy's website is and you can

also find her on Youtube.

November Meeting Program: The Properly Equipped Macro Photographer

by Mike Moats

Monday, November 11, 2024, 7:00 at the Sandhills Horticultural Gardens

"The Properly Equipped Macro Photographer"

presented by Mike Moats


Being a properly equipped macro photographer is not just about the equipment, but also

equipping yourself with the how-to knowledge of macro photography. Mike will cover the

most important equipment for macro photography, how to control depth of field, composition,

and finding character in your subjects. 


Mike Moats is an international award-winning full time pro macro photographer from Michigan. 

He is a Tamron Image Master, Vanguard Pro, and his articles and images have been published in

many photo magazines for over 17 years.  He has a Macro Photo Club online with over 2,800

members, from 28 countries.  Mike teaches online workshops and speaks at photo conference

throughout the US.

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